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A Harvard negotiation expert walked me through a brilliant strategy for managing a personal conflict

Apr 21, 2016, 02:34 IST
Teri Lynne Underwood/Flickr

When negotiation expert Daniel Shapiro visited the Business Insider offices, we talked about beach balls.
Daniel Shapiro.Fortier Public Relations

Shapiro lit up. "It's one thing to say, 'I have tension with [this person]; I feel sad; I love her to death and yet it's hard to connect with her. It's very different for me to understand the nature of your relationship, that you want to be close and yet too much closeness makes you deflect and bounce away from each other."

Now it was time to apply what we'd uncovered in the metaphor process to real life.


NOW WATCH: 5 Proven Strategies That Will Make You A Better Negotiator

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