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A family has regifted this 47-year-old birthday card 94 times

Jul 27, 2016, 22:40 IST

This is better than just about any Hallmark card we've seen.


Redditor LincolnLostSpeech posted a birthday card that's been passed around the user's fiancée's family for the past 47 years.

While some Reddit commenters expressed skepticism, the card eventually went viral and made the site's front page.

"So over the past 47 years my fiancee's [sic] uncle and his cousin have been passing the same card back and forth," LincolnLostSpeech wrote.


The user also mentioned that back when the card was first purchased in 1970, it only cost about $0.25. By the Redditor's own count, its been regifted about 94 times.

Regifting isn't exactly a polite thing to do, but if the gift holds five decades of family tradition behind it, then we'll let it slide.

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