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A Day In The Life Of Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, The CNBC Reporter Who Travels All Around The World

Jun 11, 2013, 18:18 IST

Photo courtesy of CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera

CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera is known for being opinionated and well-researched.


Therefore, she's attracted a fanbase standing from investment bankers to weekend traders.

Caruso-Cabrera is also CNBC's Chief International Correspondent.

That means she gets to travel the world for her a lot of her CNBC assignments.

She showed us what it's like reporting abroad by sharing photos and captions from her recent trip to Mexico City where she interviewed 3M CEO Inge Thulin and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim.


Her interview with Slim airs today on CNBC.

In the meantime, let's take a trip with her.

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