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A Broncos Player Got Text Message From His Son After The Super Bowl That Puts It's All In Perspective

Feb 3, 2014, 10:05 IST

Rob Carr/Getty Images

After his 43-8 Super Bowl loss to the Seattle Seahawks, Denver Broncos defensive end Shaun Phillips was crushed.


He sent a text message to his young son, Jaylen, apologizing for the loss.

Their exchange, which Phillips tweeted a photo of, was priceless:

Shaun: Sorry I let you down.

Jaylen: It's ok daddy u r still my hero


Shaun: Well at least we get to hang out now.

It's almost impossible for any normal person to imagine what it's like to lose a Super Bowl - to get to the summit of that sort of accomplishment and fall short, as millions of people watch.

But the luckiest among us can relate to the relationship here:

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