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A British lawmaker made some terrible David Bowie puns about astronaut Tim Peake

Jeremy Wilson   

A British lawmaker made some terrible David Bowie puns about astronaut Tim Peake

Anna Soubry


Anna Soubry, the Minister of State for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in the House of Commons.

There's nothing more cringeworthy than when politicians try to make pop culture jokes or references to gain a few laughs.

Well, today fellow lawmakers and Britons were in for a treat.

Anna Soubry, the Minister of State for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills made an attempt to entertain the House of Commons during Business Questions this morning with some pretty terrible puns.

In a speech about Tim Peake, the British astronaut who blasted off to the International Space Station this morning, Soubry started to use lyrics from the David Bowie song "Space Oddity:"

We've heard this great news about the launch today and Major Tim going up into space, ground control can report that the UK space sector has almost doubled to 11.8 billion...

Soubry was cut off by other MPs who started singing the Bowie song, leading her to complain - "Honourable Members opposite are now singing and it's not good."

You can watch the video of incident below. It's difficult to hear the singing because microphones are set up to cut out background noise in the Chamber.

Soubry isn't the only MP to make cringeworthy popular culture references about Tim Peake's flight today. Writing in the City A.M. newspaper this morning, Britain's Business Secretary Sajid Javid included a reference to Star Trek:

The opportunities offered are also why we are protecting the science budget in real terms throughout this Parliament along with a record £6.9bn investment in science infrastructure - making certain our world-leading science base can live long and prosper.

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