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You can try Microsoft's funky futuristic HoloLens goggles for yourself

You can try Microsoft's funky futuristic HoloLens goggles for yourself



Microsoft HoloLens

Microsoft is taking its HoloLens "holographic" goggles on the road this September and October with the so-called HoloLens Roadshow.

If you live in or around a HoloLens Roadshow stop, which will pop-up at Microsoft Stores in most major metropolitan areas in the United States and Canada, you'll be able to book a demo of the device. It's the first chance that most people will have to go hands-on with the Microsoft HoloLens since the $3,000 device was first released to developers earlier this year.

Here's the tour schedule:

hololens roadshow


The HoloLens, which projects three-dimensional images straight into your eyes, is a very cool piece of cutting-edge, futuristic technology. Microsoft is banking on it as the vanguard of a new movement towards holographic computing, going so far as to build hologram support into a forthcoming upgrade to Windows 10.

Meanwhile, this HoloLens roadshow continues through October - right when Microsoft has historically held big events to launch new hardware products like the Surface Book laptop or Surface Pro 4 tablet. Maybe, just maybe, they're trying to build some HoloLens hype around a pleasant October surprise.

Either way, slots for the HoloLens Roadshow are bound to go fast, so book soon if you can make it.

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