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Yoga for a healthy mind and body


Yoga for a healthy mind and body

More often than not, answers to all our questions lie in things around us; all we need is an observant eye. Let us observe the sun. Ever wondered what gives it the magnificent glow and attraction? What is so magnetic about it that all the planets revolve around it? Modern science identifies the sun as the ultimate source of energy. How can a single entity be able to channelize such enormous amounts of energy?

It is amazing how we are oblivious to this phenomenal presence of sun most of the times. And yet it rises and sets everyday, immune to our ungratefulness, lighting up the lives of millions. That’s the nature of sun. Alternately we may say sun is in tune with nature. Quite simply put,sun is in Yog. Yoga is not about complicated twists and turns of the body. A yogi is not bound by age, diet, lifestyles or rituals. Yoga sets you free. The purpose of Yoga is to still the thoughts from desires, chitt vritti nirodh, through certain purifications as prescribed in the Sanatan Kriya.

It is the thoughts and desires that tie one to the individual consciousness. Once these disturbances are removed, the being becomes one with the supreme consciousness. A yogi is then able to channelize the energy of the Divine through self. However he does not use this energy for personal gains, his purpose becomes that of higher creation. Have you ever seen the sun asking for remuneration for its services? Conversely so if the sun starts rationing its energy according to individual’s capacity to afford, would it exude the same brilliance? No. So is true for a yogi. If he is in Yog, he will radiate the same attraction and glow, and definitely not put a fee to spreading the light of Gyan.

Sanatan Kriya is an assimilation of ancient sciences and philosophies as were given by the Vedic rishis sixteen thousand years ago, designed specifically to suit the lifestyle of modern man. It is a measure to stop exploitation of the gullible at hands of sly businessmen selling Yog for personal gains. Sanatan Kriya means complete action. Based on the principles of Ashtanga Yoga, it encompasses in totality whatever needs to be done in this entire janamyam, niyam, asana, pranayaam, pratyahar, dhaarna, dhyan, samadhi. A practitioner of Sanatan Kriya is on the path of Yog, which leads to only one state- that of ananda or complete bliss.

To attain this, a being has to overcome hurdles called experiences – each experience being a new salvation, taking him a step forward from where he was. Everyday I encounter seekers with problems ranging from common cold to those of the cosmos. Yet, all are able to find their answers in Sanatan Kriya. That’s because the Kriya is designed to facilitate salvation, to each his own.

The benefits of Sanatan Kriya thus come to include anything and everything that is desirable. It works on the simple principles of Prakriti andSantulan. Regular practice of the Kriya helps the being to attain a state of balance in all layers of existence – physical, emotional, financial and spiritual. What follows can best be gauged from the experiences of those who practice it. Every member of Dhyan Foundation is a living example of the power of Sanatan Kriya. They have actually compiled a book ‘Sanatan Kriya : 51 Miracles…” to share what they have gained…

A 20-something chartered accountant was appointed senior manager in a reputed finance company. While a country head of a leading multi-national gets divine visions and mantras. A severe asthmatic patient realized when prompted by his chemist, that he had since three months not purchased inhalers. A shy, heart-broken boy today confidently takes charge of mass gatherings, earning admiration of men and women from all age groups. Some others report having controlled their temper, regained lost focus, or simply become more cheerful and positive in life.
While a disease-free body, glow, health, vitality, peace, strength, flexibility, financial and emotional stability and reversal of ageing are some of the by products of practicing Sanatan Kriya, it must not be mistaken as a wishing well. It is actually the grace of Guru that translates as miracles to us mortals. The Kriya merely puts a being on the path to earn this grace; thereafter one has to work incessantly to forge ahead. Charity and service are two prerequisites for any seeker of Yoga and paranormal. Only that being can step on the path of sadhna, who is willing to help others. So begin your hard work today, help a fellow being.

Yogi Ashwini is a renowned Yog Guru and is the guiding light of Dhyan Foundation.


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