The story — or lack thereof — was a major complaint when "Destiny" launched last year. "The Taken King" introduces a more straightforward plot with beautiful cutscenes.
... and warlocks gain the power to shock people with lightning a la Emperor Palpatine from "Star Wars."
The biggest new area in "Destiny" is the Dreadnaught, Oryx's ship hiding out in the rings of Saturn.
The Dreadnaught is where you'll find the Court of Oryx, where players can initiate public events with up to nine people to tackle extremely difficult enemies for a chance at some sweet loot.
The Taken King storyline culminates with a raid called "King's Fall." You'll need five people to join you in the largest and most ambitious raid yet, which requires lots of teamwork and puzzle solving to unlock the best gear in the game.
On this page you can see all your active quests and bounties. Quests are a new addition to "Destiny," and the bounties limit has been increased from 10 to 16.
You can also join factions in "Destiny" — they reward you with themed gear like weapons and armor. You can pledge a new faction once a week.
The Gunsmith has a bigger role in Year Two of "Destiny." You can test experimental weapons for rewards and order legendary weapons once a week.
There's a new currency called "Legendary Marks." You'll need it for most items available for purchase.
The Crucible, Destiny's multiplayer mode, is getting three new modes and eight new competitive maps (including one PlayStation exclusive).
All of these game modes will give you lots of new gear and armor. Thankfully, your vault space in "Destiny" has doubled from last year.
Exotic items are the best in the game. Here's an example of a new exotic shotgun called "The Chaperone."
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