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Wikileaks Is Cashing In On The Edward Snowden Craze With Merchandise

Paul Szoldra   

Wikileaks Is Cashing In On The Edward Snowden Craze With Merchandise
Defense1 min read


A T-shirt being sold on the WikiLeaks website.

If you want to show your support for Edward Snowden, Wikileaks has some merchandise to sell you.

The anti-secrecy organization known for leaking thousands of war documents and diplomatic cables is now selling pro-Snowden gear in their online store, with the goal of raising money for the fugitive ex-NSA contractor that leaked details of top secret surveillance programs.

The online shop, hosted by Spreadshirt, features men's and women's t-shirts, and coffee mugs that bear Snowden's likeness. A men's classic t-shirt goes for about $36 (27,50 euros) and the mug is nearly $23 (17 euros).

We first learned of the shop from Lukas I. Alpert of The Wall Street Journal, who wrote about the new store in addition to Wikileaks' "Journalistic Source Protection Defence Fund" started on Aug. 9, which has raised $12,591, according to the fundraising website.

Here's the description for the men's classic t-shirt:

Help WikiLeaks support Edward Snowden, surveillance state whistleblower, with this great design from - illustration by Dan McCall. In a statement, Edward Snowden has said 'I believe in the principle declared at Nuremberg in 1945: "Individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience. Therefore individual citizens have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring.' State spying on us all, turning citizens into suspects, surely falls in to that category. Support the whistleblowers who risk all for you!

Wikileaks is not the only one selling Snowden merchandise. A quick Google search for "edward snowden shirts" brings up hundreds of results bearing slogans like "Team Edward" and "I Stand With Snowden."

Here's a sampling:

edward snowden wikileaks merchandise

Paul Szoldra / Wikileaks


