Tim Sharp/AP
Houston Texans fans took over the Dallas Cowboys' stadium during Week 5.
Through the first five weeks, the Cowboys have the best attendance in the NFL, but not the best home crowd.
Despite being 4-1, the Cowboys are having a hard time getting fans out to games. Part of that may be fans' hesitancy to trust the suddenly good Cowboys. Dallas has finished 8-8 the last three seasons, and they haven't had a winning season since 2009.
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said getting fans to trust a team after years of losing can take a long time:
"People have to go through an adjustment period. We won 50 games and I was like, where are all the people at? Our sellout streak didn't start that first year we won 50 games because people didn't trust us. And so it doesn't happen. Look at other teams around the NBA or NFL. There will be a losing team that starts to win, fans don't immediately start filling the seats.
"That's just the nature of the beast. It's unfortunate, but true."
Jerry Jones also recently built a $1.2 billion stadium - it's an attractive landmark, a beautiful stadium, but it also makes tickets expensive.
As a result, Jones (like many owners) sells a good portion of the tickets on secondary markets so he can make a premium. Jones acknowledged the appeal of the secondary market in explaining why opponents have more fans at Dallas games than the Cowboys do.
"The other thing that happened is our ticket, that's the highest premium that we've had since we've opened the stadium for a football game. We had 91,000 people there. And a $90 ticket was going for $300, for example. We might have fans that might take the premium, watch the game on TV. [It would] be a good way to average out for the year for them on their overall price of watching the Cowboys.
"I do see how it happened. The secondary market is so sophisticated today. You can just about manage in and out of that secondary market with your tickets as well as you can getting them through the mail."
Selling tickets on the secondary market is another incentive for Cowboys fans not to attend the home games. After five years of lackluster play, staying home and watching on TV while selling the tickets for a profit might be the better option for Cowboys fans.