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What Mr. Clean Said After We Named Him One Of The 'Sexiest Brand Icons Of All Time'

Christina Austin   

What Mr. Clean Said After We Named Him One Of The 'Sexiest Brand Icons Of All Time'
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Mr. Clean shovel

Mr. Clean

"Every day I'm shovelin.'"

We recently compiled a list of the sexiest brand spokespeople of all time, including characters like the Fantanas, the T-Mobile girl, and the Brawny man. We listed 10 icons, but none of them were as excited about the honor as Mr. Clean.

We chose Mr. Clean as the ninth sexiest spokesperson because he's buff, bald, and cleans up after himself. What more could you want?

This afternoon, Procter & Gamble's Mr. Clean posted on his Facebook page about his excitement from being chosen for our list:

Mr. Clean calendars

Mr. Clean

No pictures for the months have been released yet, but a Mr. Clean rep has confirmed that the calendars are indeed in the works.

The wall post has only been up for 4 hours, but already has over 250 "Likes," and quite a few comments and shares. Looks like fans are pretty stoked about the possibility of a sexy Mr. Clean calendar.


