The retail price for Eero (on Amazon) will be $199 for a single unit and $499 for three. The three pack is what Weaver advises for an average home.
To start setting up Eero, first I installed the app, which will eventually let me easily monitor my home network.
This was my pre-Eero router and modem setup. Nothing fancy.
Here are the components Eero needs to replace it.
next slide will load in 15 secondsSkip AdSkip AdAll I had to do was plug in the power and the Ethernet into the modem.
Then I let the app take over. The whole process took me less than 10 minutes.
Here's what my living room Eero situation looked like after I was done.
Then I tried to install the second unit, which is where I ran into my first pain point. I wanted to put one in my room, which is right down the hall from the living room, directly off the kitchen.
This is where I wanted to put it.
next slide will load in 15 secondsSkip AdSkip AdIt would have been a nice location, but it wouldn't register. It was out of range for what Eero deems optimal.
I got this error message from the app. After this, I tried to move the unit to multiple locations, but it kept giving me the error message. I spoke to Eero and they had me try again at a location closer to the modem (after waiting a few minutes to see if that would give it time to reset the location). It ended up working in the hallway, but the whole detour took me about half an hour. Eero said this was very rare, and probably had to do with the unit taking a few minutes to reset after I tried to install it out of range.
Now it was time to install the most important Eero upstairs, where my Wifi has historically been the worst.
This one worked fine and I was able to install it in about 2 minutes in my roommate's bedroom (we don't have any outlets in the hallway).
Once you've installed all your Eero devices, you can use the app to easily monitor your home network wherever you happen to be. You can run a speed test...
next slide will load in 15 secondsSkip AdSkip Ad...or you can see all the devices that are connected to your network.
Eero is certainly easy, fast — and from my short time with it — reliable. But the question remains as to whether any Wifi setup is worth $500 to you. That question may, honestly, depend on just how bad your current Wifi situation is. My home internet, while slow at times, never kept me from doing what I wanted to do (especially since I live downstairs). But if Wifi is a constant source of annoyance in your life, Eero just might be the solution.