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Walmart employees share the 8 worst things they've seen while working at the retail giant

Walmart employees share the 8 worst things they've seen while working at the retail giant
Retail1 min read

walmart employee produce

Jeff Mitchell/Reuters

Some of these incidents are pretty nasty.

  • Walmart store employees occasionally witness some pretty troubling incidents while at work.
  • Some employees have taken to Reddit to describe particularly exasperating and horrifying situations.
  • Business Insider also spoke with a number of associates to find out what's the worst thing they've ever seen happen in the store.

Walmart employees have seen some things.

Any large retail store witnesses its share of crises and off-putting behavior from customers on a regular basis. Walmart is no different.

Business Insider spoke with a number of Walmart associates and scoured the web for anecdotes from employees to get their top horror stories.

And we definitely heard a few doozies.

"Who knows what crazy even is anymore?" one Walmart employee of 12 years told Business Insider.

Here are some of the worst things that Walmart associates have witnessed while on the job:

