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Wall Street is waking up to a $35.3 trillion opportunity

Tina Wadhwa   

Wall Street is waking up to a $35.3 trillion opportunity
Finance3 min read

Millennials are a force to be reckoned with.

One-tenth of global wealth, or $16.9 trillion, is held by millennials, according to a BCG Global Client Discovery Survey out on Tuesday. This number is expected to grow to an incredible $35.3 trillion by 2020. The rate of growth in wealth for millennials is more than twice that of the global wealth-growth average.

And that presents a huge opportunity for money managers around the world.

Millennials global wealth

BCG Global Wealth Market-Sizing Database, 2016; BCG analysis

Millennials global wealth.

Banks and wealth managers, which have traditionally divided their clients by wealth and asset allocation, have started thinking about nontraditional segments like women and millennials and focusing on the associated behaviors that relate to those groups.

And that means adapting to meet their expectations.

Millennials tend to be focused on transparency, along with fair and low fees, when choosing a private bank, according to the BCG Survey.

What Millennials Want

BCG Global Client Discovery Survey, 2016; BCG analysis

What millennials want.

Millennials also have a stronger preference for digital offerings than other segments, and would prefer to speak with relationship managers over Skype or Facetime rather than in person, according to the survey.

They want an online platform and real-time investment recommendations via Twitter, Facebook, and podcasts, according to the survey.

Banks are trying to close the gaps to capture this millennial opportunity both by developing capabilities in-house and, in particular, through acquisitions.

Millennials Preference for Digital Products

BCG Global Client Discovery Survey, 2016; BCG analysis

Millennials prefer digital products.

It often takes banks 18 to 24 months to develop and adopt new digital platforms, according to Anna Zakrzewski, partner and global topic expert at BCG.

When the plan finally rolls out, it's already too old to be relevant, she said.

That is where fintech companies come in. A bunch of millennial-focused wealth-management startups have launched over the past five years, such as Acorn, Betterment, Wealthfront, and SigFig.

They offer many of the services millennials prefer, such as lo- cost investments, online platforms, and automated risk-profile calculators.

Wealth managers are increasingly acquiring or partnering with these firms, taking the best of what these more nimble startups have and offering it to their well-developed client base. Blackrock, for example, acquired FutureAdvisor, while Northwestern Mutual acquired LearnVest.

Millennials are a market not to be ignored, and Wall Street is taking notice.

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