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Two Republicans Are Giving Big Speeches On Poverty Today

Danny Vinik   

Two Republicans Are Giving Big Speeches On Poverty Today
Politics1 min read

Two prominent Republicans are giving major speeches today on poverty and how to fight it.

  • At 2:00 p.m. at the Brookings Institute, Eric Cantor will speak. He is expected to focus on school choice and reducing inequality through a focus on education.
  • Then at 2:30 p.m., Marco Rubio will deliver his remarks from the Lyndon B. Johnson Room in the U.S. Capitol. His room selection is not a coincidence given that today is the 50th anniversary of Johnson's 'War on Poverty.' Rubio released a video over the weekend denounced the Great Society programs.

Republicans have shown an increased concern with poverty as an issue in recent weeks.

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) is giving his own poverty speech tomorrow and is planning to unveil an antipoverty agenda later this year.


