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The lights - which are more commonly associated with the skies of Scandinavia and Iceland - were seen across the country from Scotland all the way to Oxfordshire and south Wales.
Also known as Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights phenomenon occurs when electrically-charged particles from the Sun enter the Earth's atmosphere, resulting in a dramatic light display.
Experts had predicted perfect conditions for Aurora Borealis to be seen in its full glory, and multiple sightings of colourful lights were reported for several hours from around 20:00 GMT.
Photographer Gavin Trafford visited Crosby beach in Merseyside to film the spectacle and his footage is incredible.
#Timelapse of the #AuroraBorealis from #Crosby Beach tonight @LivEchonews #NorthernLights
- Gav (@Gavtraff) March 6, 2016