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This melted cheese restaurant is so popular on Facebook it's basically impossible to get a table

This melted cheese restaurant is so popular on Facebook it's basically impossible to get a table
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New York restaurant Raclette serves a Swiss dish called…raclette.

It's basically a huge pile of melted cheese on top of cured meats, potatoes, and other stuff.

A server brings a hot, giant wheel of cheese to your table. The top is melted, and it gets scraped right onto your plate.

In addition to being delicious, Raclette is also very photogenic.

So we did an INSIDER video about it.

Now the place is totally booked.

We sent our food reporter Syndey Kramer by the restaurant, and the owner told her his life has been changed forever.

"He's had to hire at least three more people. There have been lines out the door. That line has even brought additional business to his neighbors, a coffee shop and a thrift store. People go shopping or grab a coffee while they wait for cheesy goodness."

Trust us: this place is worth the wait. If you're ever in New York City's East Village, stop by.

195 Avenue A
New York, NY 10009

(917) 853-5377

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