Sony PlayStation
I had never played a game like "Bloodborne" before, but ever since my brother gifted it to me late last year, I hadn't been able to put the controller down. I spent hours each day slowly carving through the old city of Yharnam, exploring gorgeous Gothic architecture while hunting monstrous beasts and earning increasingly better weapons and gear along the way.
"Bloodborne" is made by a Japanese game company called From Software, which has made some of the most punishing video games of all time, including the beloved "Dark Souls" franchise. "Bloodborne" is similar to the "Dark Souls" games, but its mechanics reward a more aggressive playstyle, and thus, the game is a bit more approachable. Still, as I've learned, you will die a lot in this game - but this makes every victory that much sweeter.
If you've never heard of this game - or if you already own the game and can't stop thinking about it - this is what "Bloodborne" is all about. (Warning: Nightmare fuel ahead.)