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This company is bringing outsourcing onshore - and it's paying off

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This company is bringing outsourcing onshore - and it's paying off

Bell Techlogix


Bell Techlogix is focusing on keeping jobs in the US.

For decades, "outsource offshore" has been the cost-cutting refrain of the business world. From managed IT functions to customer service, more and more jobs that used to be done here in the US have been shipped overseas in the name of lower labor costs. But lately that trend has changed a bit - and for good reason: It turns out keeping outsourced solutions in the US can be an even bigger boon to businesses' bottom lines.

There are many reasons for this shift. First, wages in China and India-common locations for offshore outsourcing-are on the rise, according to The Economist, which lowers the labor savings associated with offshoring. Without the advantage of cost savings, the disadvantages of outsourcing at such a physical and cultural distance have a greater net effect on companies. It's no wonder more companies are choosing to reshore more of their own operations, as well as the functions they outsource to other businesses.

One company giving American businesses the opportunity to outsource onshore is Bell Techlogix. The IT managed services company has found that locating its operations in the US has a positive impact on customer satisfaction to a degree that gives their customers a competitive advantage.

The key ingredient for Bell Techlogix's onshoring philosophy is quality. That quality is ensured by what the company calls Heartland Labor Arbitrage, a delivery model focusing on tools, labor, and facilities based in the US. Bell Techlogix locates its facilities in areas of the country, with relatively low costs of doing business while accessing the high quality talent of the American workforce.

"Our people are really at the epicenter of how we drive an outcome," says Anthony D'Ambrosi, president of Bell Techlogix.

This commitment to quality is paired with the company's unique service solution, Service Desk 3.0. It's a help desk offering that delivers customers greater advantages than clients have been offered before, including customization, efficiency improvement, and more.

This pairing of innovation and quality talent has paid off for Bell Techlogix. The company was named a niche player in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for End User Outsourcing report. The designation highlights just how successful a company can be when harnessing the power of bringing outsourcing solutions onshore - just as other American companies are realizing the value of bringing jobs back to the domestic workforce as well.

This post is sponsored by Bell Techlogix.

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