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This Guy's Year-Long Nightmare Of Ferrari Ownership Is Finally Ending

Matthew DeBord   

This Guy's Year-Long Nightmare Of Ferrari Ownership Is Finally Ending
Transportation2 min read



Hard to own.

At Jalopnik, Doug DeMuro is chronicling the process of unloading his 2004 Ferrari 360 Modena.

He's been at it for a while and has written about the experiences in revealing, entertaining fashion.

It's an experience that's now coming to an end. Along the way, DeMuro came to an important conclusion:

A few months ago, a friend perfectly summed up this car to me: it's a Point A to Point A car. In other words: this isn't a car you use to go somewhere. It's a car you take out of your house, and drive around for a while, before you return to your house. You don't go to the mall in it. You don't take it to dinner. You can't pick up anything large, and you can't transport more than one person. It's not a vehicle you use. It's a toy to be played with.

DeMuro decided that he didn't really like owning his Ferrari all that much. He stresses, however, that other folks might find Ferrari ownership to be A-OK.

However, those folks, in his view, are the people who can really and truly afford to embrace Ferrari ownership for what it is: something of an exhilarating ordeal. And DeMuro's car was used; you can only imagine what it's like to struggle with owning a new Ferrari.

Ultimately, DeMuro came to an essential realization. When you dream about owning a Ferrari, you dream about driving it all the time.

But the bottom line is that you can't drive it all the time. In fact, you can almost never drive it. DeMuro was impressed that he managed to put 5,000 miles on his 360. Most Ferrari owners barely manage 2,000 per year.

This is all actually integral to the way that Ferrari has evolved the ownership experience. You aren't supposed to ever feel worthy of the car. That's not because you don't have the money or can't handle being seen in a bright red Italian sports car.

No, it's because you aren't racing you Ferrari on a track.

DeMuro got bummed out because the car was just too much to deal with in exchange for the infrequent thrill of a few hours navigating a road where the Ferrari felt at home.

The rest was basically waiting around and worrying. It was a nightmare.

Beware: You do need to think about this stuff if you aspire to own a Ferrari.


