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This Chart Shows How Insanely Expensive Death Penalty Cases Are

Christina Sterbenz   

This Chart Shows How Insanely Expensive Death Penalty Cases Are
Law Order1 min read

When the American legal system decides to pursue a capital offense, tax payers can suffer - to the tune of about $1 million. 

A new study from Seattle University analyzed 147 aggravated first-degree murder cases since 1997 in Washington State, separating the data into two categories: when prosecutors file a death notice and when they don't.

On average, a single death penalty case cost $3.07 million while a non-capital case cost an average of $2.01 million, leaving a difference of about $1.06 million. Adjusted for inflation in 2015, that means prosecutors seeking the death penalty cost Americans another $1.15 million, making these cases 1.4 to 1.5 times more expensive. 

The chart below, from the study, breaks down the money spent: 

Seattle University death penalty costSeattle University

The most notable increases occur in defense fees and court costs. While the post-conviction incarceration costs are higher for non-death penalty cases, they don't differ that greatly. The punishment for first-degree murder can be any number of years, including life in prison.

We first saw this story in the Seattle Times.


