10. Information security engineer: $131,300
An information security engineer works to protect the company's data and other assets from hackers and other malicious parties. That could be through strengthening encryption or generally working to close any security gaps in the company's infrastructure.
9. DevOps engineer: $137,400
A DevOps (development and operations) engineer is a specialized role that involves delivering a lot of code, quickly.
8. Enterprise architect: $144,400
An enterprise architect develops the plans and workflows for deploying and maintaining servers, software, and other IT assets. In other words, an enterprise architect is on the hook to come up with (or at least, contribute to) the IT strategy.
7. Technical program manager: $145,000
A technical program manager will keep tabs on the various projects throughout the company, test codes, lay out product expectations, and oversee the development process.
6. Software architect: $145,400
A software architect is responsible for setting the overall plan and strategy for executing on building software. You need to be technical for the role, but you're really setting the pace and goals for other teams of developers.
5. Applications architect: $149,000
The applications architect chooses the strategy for applications within a company: When to use existing tools, when to build new ones, and occasionally developing their own prototypes for further development.
4. Infrastructure architect: $153,000
Infrastructure architects will be in charge of the underlying IT systems within a company, which can include servers, data centers, or cloud computing platforms.
3. Software development manager: $153,300
A software development manager will lead the team responsible for developing and testing certain systems or applications within a company.
2. Data warehouse architect: $154,800
A data warehouse architect oversees all of a company's generally-vast troves of data, and helps prepare it for analysis.
1. Software engineering manager: $163,500
A software engineering manager will lead a team tasked with developing, researching, and testing the company's software. This is a crucial role in any company building or maintaining software.