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These Popular Feminist-Themed Shirts Were Reportedly Made By Women In Sweatshops

Caroline Moss   

These Popular Feminist-Themed Shirts Were Reportedly Made By Women In Sweatshops
Thelife1 min read

"This is what a feminist looks like" tee-shirts have been praised for their girl power, but a women's rights charity in England is investigating claims that the tees are being made by women in a sweatshop.

These are what the products look like. They're the creation from the Fawcett Society, which calls itself "the U.K.'s leading charity for women's equality and rights."

Feminist Tees

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The Daily Mail reports that "the investigation had found the shirts were being produced on a factory on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius where the women machinists sleep 16 to a room and were being made by women workers being paid just 62p (about a dollar) an hour."

In a statement to the Daily Mail, the Fawcett Society says,

We have been very disappointed to hear the allegations that conditions in the Mauritius factory may not adhere to the ethical standards that we, as the Fawcett Society, would require of any product that bears our name.


