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These Fabulous Early Apple Prototypes Never Came To Be

Rebecca Borison   

These Fabulous Early Apple Prototypes Never Came To Be
Tech1 min read

Apple is famous for its modern, clean design. Not surprisingly, the company tries out many concepts and few make the cut. Nonetheless, it is interesting to see what could have been.

Designer Hartmut Esslinger and his firm Frog Design was responsible for many of Apple's designs in the 1980s, and he decided to publish images of some of the concepts that got nixed in his book "Ingeniously Simple - The early years of Apple design." We got a hold of some of these images, and rounded them up to get a look at some of the advanced foresight happening at Apple decades ago.

Turns out these guys were already thinking about concepts that resemble the iPad, iPhone, and even the iWatch thirty years ago.


