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There are two types of people at work. Which one are you?

There are two types of people at work. Which one are you?
This might be your story too..

It's 9:10 am on a Monday morning. Jamie has managed to get half way to his workplace in the metro. A stream of thoughts flood his mind as his eyes turn every 30 seconds to see the number of stations he is away from his destination. Stuck in the huge peak time crowd inside the metro, he struggles to look at his watch perhaps the tenth time in the last two minutes.

"Damn, it's 9:13 am."

He feels anxious, nervous, irritated and angry all at the same time. Fingers are tapping against the strap of his heavy bag, feet refusing to remain in one place. Sweat drops trickle down his forehead wetting his frowning eyebrows.

(Metro refuses to budge even an inch)

"Why is this useless thing not moving. Why does it always have to happen to me."

Just if you were thinking he woke up late, that's not the case. Poor guy, he is a victim of technical snag. That's not to say he is a punctual man, though. He is a habitual late comer and gets abused for it daily by his bully boss, but today it's genuinely not his fault.

His heart is pounding from anxiety. He stares at his watch helplessly wanting to freeze time had he one chance to defy nature.

(Sudden jerk. A creaking sound follows)

He suddenly looks up to see the vehicle has started moving. "Thank god!"

"Come on, move, move faster," he says to himself. He is really hoping to make it on time today.

(9:24 am.. the clock ticks away)

Metro comes to a halt at the second last station. "Just one more. I have to make it. I have to!"

(26 minutes past nine...27...28)

His restlessness knows no bounds and his legs are ready to launch at rocket speed as he nears his destination.

(Metro draws in slowly... halts...doors open)

He barges out like a ball of fire pushing as many people in his line of sight as possible to make way out of the station to the subway leading to his office.

Covered in sweat, he reaches office. He punchs in exactly at 9:30.

Donning a proud smile on his face, he starts walking in poise as he enters office anticipating that his colleagues will applaud him for his feat. As he passes by their desk, no one even looks up once.

"Huh, jealous people."

"If I'm late, they sit like hawks. If I am early, why would anyone want to notice," he thinks, still managing to keep that proud smile intact. As he prepares to settle down, someone calls out.


"Heh, so he is the first one to notice. Even better," Jamie thinks it's Mathew, his boss. He turns around to greet him.

"Morning Bo.."

"You moron. You are hopeless. Why do you come to office at all? Just forget that assignment I asked you to work on,” Mathew lashes out at him.

"But, bo.."

(Mathew walks out on him)

Perplexed, Jamie reaches his desk and finds Rick - the colleague he profoundly hates - working on his assignment.

Just for your information, Rick always gets an edge over Jamie in front of the boss for starting work early.

(Jamie murmuring)

"What's wrong with Mathew. Why did he do that. Bloody hell, I am on time today. What's his problem."

(Rick giggles...looks at Jamie)

“Boy, it's 10:30 already. Which world are you in” he says with a smirk on his face. "Good luck next time, buddy."

Caught dumbfounded, Jamie looks at the clock hanging on the wall opposite him. It is indeed 10:30. He sits back in his chair disappointed wondering how Rick manages to reach before time every day. His eyes then stare at Rick's ironed suit, prim and proper look and ....those car keys at his desk.

Such and many more similar instances are most common at workplace. There is a Jamie and a Rick everywhere. Meaning to say there are two types of people - one may be a diligent worker, while the other a take-it-easy guy, one may be glued to his laptop screen while the other may be checking out the girl sitting at the adjacent desk, one may order food from restaurant while the other may carry his lunch everyday. Which one are you? Check out this slideshow to see who you identify with!

(Image credit: Scrolldroll)


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