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Then & Now: The Cast Of 'RoboCop' 27 Years Later

Kirsten Acuna   

Then & Now: The Cast Of 'RoboCop' 27 Years Later
Entertainment1 min read

robocop murphy

Orion Pictures / RoboCop screencap via Netflix

Peter Weller in the original "RoboCop" suit. We'd buy that for a dollar.

It's been 27 years since the original "RoboCop" hit theaters.

Paul Verhoeven's 1987 R-rated classic gave us exaggerated gore, a vision of a crumbling Detroit, and one of the corniest - yet catchiest - taglines in "I'd buy that for a dollar."

With the remake in theaters this week, we're taking a look back at the original cast.

Most have gone on to star or cameo in other movies or television shows.

A favorite among the cast are small roles on Fox series "24."


