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The real story behind Harendra Chauhan, the boy who's images of studying under a street lamp at a Metro station went viral

The real story behind Harendra Chauhan, the boy who's images of studying under a street lamp at a Metro station went viral
Noida resident Vikas Sharda who clicked 13-year-old Harendra's picture that's all over the internet, says: "He was not begging, neither was he nagging people to use the weighing machine he had. I sensed a self respect the boy has. I felt respect for him, not sympathy."

The gentleman who takes the metro from Noida City Centre everyday used to see Harendra glued to textbooks solving Maths problems and writing in English. Something compelled him to talk to the little boy only to learn about his hardships.

Somewhat inspired by his spirit, Vikas posted the boy’s picture on Facebook recently that has become an instant hit on social media.

This is what his post read: “I want you people who travel from Noida metro after 7 pm to use his services and somehow help him get back to studies. And PLEASE don't make him feel like a beggar..” read Sharda’s Facebook post.

It was more like an appeal to people to help the boy than pity him. "I just wanted people to use his weighing machine so that he would get more money that he could use for studies," he says.


Born in a poor family, Harendra Chauhan, hails from Hoshiyarpur village. He is a student of class IX. Such is his passion for academics that after school hours, he would sit outside a metro station with a weighing machine to earn a few bucks. Usually one could find him glued to his textbooks amid the hustle bustle outside the metro exit.

It was because his father cannot walk. He wanted to earn money to support his dad who has a private job, in making ends meet, he tells us.

“I used to sit here for my father. The economic condition of my family is not good. We don’t have money," he says.

But Harendra has got a fresh lease of life now. He doesn’t sit there anymore after Vikas’ viral post on the boy caught the attention of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav.

The Chief Minister, moved by the dedication and passion of this boy, offered to support his education by felicitating him with a cheque of Rs. 5 lakh, during a special event at his residence to reward the people whose struggles were highlighted by social media.

The Rs 5 lakh amount will be kept in a fixed deposit and the interest from it will be further utilized for the child's education.

When we asked Harendra about becoming a hero on social media, he had a clueless expression on his face.

Trying to find the right words, he said,“ I am just happy to receive the money. With the money I can study ahead and ensure a better life for my family."

He wants to join the army one day.


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