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Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell
Much like the previous GOP proposals to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, most Americans hold an unfavorable view of the Graham-Cassidy proposal. Fifty percent of people surveyed by Public Policy Polling said they were against the plan, with just 24% in favor and 27% undecided.
Meanwhile, 52% of people also said they thought the bill would increase costs for most people, versus 20% that said it would lower costs. And 53% said they believe it would decrease the number of people with healthcare coverage, while only 14% said it would increase coverage.
The bill, rolled out only just more than a week ago, represents the last-ditch effort for Republicans to try to repeal Obamacare on a party-line vote using the process known as budget reconciliation.
The Public Policy Polling survey also found that 63% of Americans want Congress to keep Obamacare and fix it, compared with 32% that want the law repealed entirely to start from scratch.
The PPP results, released Thursday, were echoed in a CBS News poll released Monday.
The CBS poll found that 52% of those surveyed disapproved of the Graham-Cassidy bill and just 20% said they were in favor. Even fewer than half of Republicans - 46% - approved of the bill.
Additionally, 74% of those surveyed in the CBS News poll said Obamacare should either be kept in place (9%) or said it had positive elements but needs some changes (65%).
Another poll from ABC News/Washington Post, released Friday, showed that 56% of Americans preferred Obamacare to the Graham-Cassidy legislation, while 33% preferred the new bill to the current law.
The numbers line up closely with the approval numbers for previous versions of the Republican healthcare overhaul. Both the House and Senate versions of Obamacare consistently had approval numbers in the 20s, making them the least popular major pieces of legislation since 1990.