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The insane ways your phone and computer can be hacked - even if they're not connected to the internet

Cale Guthrie Weissman   

The insane ways your phone and computer can be hacked - even if they're not connected to the internet
Tech1 min read

Google engineer, servers

AP Photo/Connie Zhou

Hacking is the new spying. And, as we've learned time and time again, both government and private organizations are using cyber-spy techniques to gain as much intelligence as they can.

But getting this data can be difficult. In fact, some of the most previous of digital information is safeguarded by machines that have no contact with the outside world.

So can this internet-less data be hacked? Well, yes.

With some help from the research of the security firm Kaspersky Lab, as well as some of our own personal digging, here's a look into some of the insane and creepy technologies used to hack offline devices.


