“Is it a phone? Is it not?”
Well, turns out it’s a bit of both.
When we invest in a smartphone, we expect it to do a lot of things- make calls, send texts (and drunk-texts), consist of a battery that lasts decades, take pictures, edit those pictures and upload them on every social networking site ever invented, right?
But, what about a phone that does absolutely nothing and is a complete waste of your money?
Would you buy that?
A result of a successful Kickstarter campaign started last year, the
Thus, the phone that will set you back by $12 has no camera, no music, no screen, no memory, no operating system, no battery, no Bluetooth. But, there’s a silver lining- it is toilet-bowl resistant.
After the concept started gaining popularity, the makers came up with two versions of the NoPhone.
The first was called the
This is what is included in the NoPhone Zero
· One NoPhone ZERO
· More of your attention
· Real friends
And, this is what’s NOT included in the NoPhone Zero
· Texting Your Ex-Boyfriend
· Location Tracking
· Browsing History
· Data Overages
· Dead Batteries
· Phone
The second version was called the NoPhone Selfie and it took care of the most basic need of every individual with a face- the need to take their own picture and marvel at it. Hence, this upgrade of the NoPhone comprises a stick on mirror, so that you can show off the picture you took to the friend next to you or just yourself.
Who is the brick-like NoPhone for you ask?
It’s for you. It’s for me. It’s for everyone with a tech addiction.
“It’s a technology free-alternative to constant hand-to-phone contact,” NoPhone’s Co-Founder Van Gould said in an interview to TIME.
The makers also advise ‘Give someone who loves their Phone, a NoPhone’ and ‘Change the life of someone you care about tomorrow by pre-ordering the NoPhone today.’
And, we seem to agree on their satirical comment on this device-obsessed culture.
To summarise, the NoPhone is a not-so subtle physical reminder of how excessively we use our phones and how we scatter our focus five minutes at a time.
And, going by the hilarious reviews posted by the users, the NoPhone seems to making a lot of difference.
"Now I can eat food without taking photos of it. Thanks NoPhone," Andra J confessed while Monica P happily stated "With the NoPhone, my eye contact skills have improved 73%,"