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The Most Viral Mobile Phone Ad Of All Time Is ... French?

The Most Viral Mobile Phone Ad Of All Time Is ... French?
AdvertisingAdvertising1 min read

jayfunk samsung finger tutting


JayFunk for Samsung

Back in 2011, Samsung made this viral video of JayFunk, a "finger tutting" wizard from Los Angeles, doing one of his eye-popping finger dances. The video was part of the introduction of the Galaxy S III phone, and was made by ad agency Heaven in Paris.

Since then, it has become the all-time most-shared ad on the web, according to Unruly Media's viral ads chart for handset devices. Of the top 10 ads, six are from Samsung. Only one — for the introduction of Siri on iPhone 4S — was by Apple.

Sharing — liking in social media — is not the same as raw views. With 8.2 million views, the JayFunk spot had as many views as the Siri ad. But that was many more than Apple's two comparable ads for the launch of iPhone 4S and iPhone 5. Those YouTube videos both got fewer than 2 million views. (Of course, the videos appeared first on Apple's site, and those views are not counted in Unruly's chart.)

Here's the video, followed by the rest of the top 10 as of Jan. 7, 2013:

The 10 most viral handset videos, of all time:

  1. Unleash your fingers - Samsung Galaxy S III
  2. deadmaus5 lights up London - Nokia Lumia
  3. Apple - Introducing Siri on iPhone 4S
  4. The Next Big Thing Is Already Here - Samsung Galaxy S III
  5. Dark Knight Rises - Exclusive Nokia trailer
  6. Galaxy Note II - Introducing
  7. Gulp by Nokia 8
  8. Galaxy Note - Introducing
  9. Introducing Galaxy S III
  10. Samsung Mobile Unpacked 2011

