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The Marine Corps' Latest Medal Of Honor Hero Says He's 'Just Getting Started'

The Marine Corps' Latest Medal Of Honor Hero Says He's 'Just Getting Started'
DefenseDefense1 min read

Retired Marine Cpl. Kyle Carpenter will soon receive the nation's highest award for bravery in combat, but in a new video he explains that he's only just getting started.

"My body was torn apart by an enemy hand grenade ... Upon arriving at Camp Bastion, I was labeled P.E.A. - patient expired on arrival. I flat-lined at Walter Reed," Carpenter says, narrating the short video. "The enemy killed me. I came back."

Now 24, Carpenter jumped on top of a grenade on an Afghan rooftop in 2010 to save the life of his fellow Marine. Both were wounded, but survived. Carpenter lost his right eye and sustained many other serious injuries to his face.

His outlook is contagious, as it's hard to watch this video and not come away with a feeling that if this young Marine can remain positive, anyone can.

"I'm still here and kicking and, you know, I have all my limbs so you'll never hear me complain," he told Marine Corps Times in March.

Once he receives the Medal of Honor, he'll join Cpl. Dakota Meyer as the only other living Marine from Iraq and Afghanistan to receive the award.

Watch the video:

