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The Indiana Pacers just dumped their head coach and kicked him on his way out

The Indiana Pacers just dumped their head coach and kicked him on his way out
Sports2 min read

frank vogel

Vaughn Ridley/Getty

Frank Vogel went 250-181 as head coach of the Pacers.

On Thursday, Indiana Pacers president Larry Bird announced the decision to let go of head coach Frank Vogel.

Bird had admitted earlier in the week that he was undecided on keeping Vogel after the six-year head coach's contract expired.

Bird made it clear that Vogel was not fired - rather his contract would not be renewed after the Pacers were eliminated in the first round of the playoffs.

In the process, Bird, who's never minced his words, threw a bucket of cold water on Vogel's head, providing some brutal commentary on the decision.

Bird has done well as president of the Pacers, but this is a harsh way to let go of a coach. The workings of such a decision are rarely ever released, yet Bird made it sound like Vogel was begging for his job.

Vogel went 250-181 as coach of the Pacers, who made the Eastern Conference Finals in back to back years in 2012-13 and 2013-14, falling to the Miami Heat both times. Though Bird said the Pacers needed more offense, they were continually one of the league's best defensive teams, and Vogel didn't exactly have a stacked roster to work with this season.

Vogel is now on the market, and there will be no shortage of teams calling for his services.

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