Babak Parviz shared the news on his Google+ page on Saturday (via The Verge), but didn't reveal any details about his new role at Amazon.
The news comes just after Parviz shared his view on Glass and the evolution of heads-up displays in general at last week's Wearable Technology Conference.
Here's what Parviz posted to his Google+ page:
In addition to leading the development of Google Glass, Parviz also played a large role in creating Google's smart contact lenses capable of measuring one's glucose levels.
Parviz led the Glass team until fashion icon Ivy Ross took over in May. It's unclear what Parviz' position at Amazon will entail, but his strong background in optic technology could be useful for Amazon's recent focus on 3-D visuals and augmented reality.
The company's Fire Phone, for example, comes with a "dynamic display" feature that makes images look three dimensional. The smartphone's Firefly feature allows you to scan real world items to learn more about the object or purchase it through Amazon.
Parviz' experience with Glass could easily translate to futher developing these types of technologies at Amazon.
Disclosure: Jeff Bezos is an investor in Business Insider through his personal investment company Bezos Expeditions.