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The Chubby Jogger From Nike's Olympics Ad Has Lost A Lot Of Weight

Laura Stampler   

The Chubby Jogger From Nike's Olympics Ad Has Lost A Lot Of Weight



Nathan Sorrell before.

This summer, Americans fell in love with 12-year-old Nathan Sorrell, the chubby jogger who starred in Nike's "Find your greatness" Olympics commercial.

The ad was powerful in its simplicity, only showing uncut footage of Sorrell jogging down a long, empty road, breathing hard but persevering. Even though Nike wasn't an official Olympics sponsor, the Wieden + Kennedy-created spot stole the show — as did the 232 pound kid from London, Ohio.

Sorrell went on the Today Show this week to update the world on his weight status. Eight months after shooting the ad, he has lost 32 pounds.

nathan sorrell nike ad


32 pounds later ...

"I still can't believe that was me then and this is me now," he said.

While his mother, who aimed to lose weight with her son, admitted that some people might scoff at the number, she said that "our goal is that he carries it lifelong, he's learning to make good choices."

Sorrell, who said he would have never lost the weight without the support he got after filming the ad, explained some of his lifestyle changes.

For example, when going out to dinner at Bob Evans, he opted for a turkey sandwich and a side of fruit. "Usually that would be a double hamburger, cheese, and all that bad stuff," he said. "Instead of fries now I got fruit, but usually it would be fries."

Even though he hates jogging, Sorrell continues to work out — more enthusiastically when basketball is involved.

The goal is to lose another 30 pounds in the next six months.


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