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The British public doesn't think that Jeremy Corbyn or Labour are ready to form a government

The British public doesn't think that Jeremy Corbyn or Labour are ready to form a government

Jeremy Corbyn disappointed

Darren Staples / Reuters

Opinion polls published by Ipsos MORI on Thursday showed that the British public doesn't think that Labour and its leader Jeremy Corbyn are ready to be in government. 

According to the results of the surveys, 63% of respondents disagreed that Labour was ready to form the next government.

A larger share, 65%, also disagreed when asked whether Corbyn was ready to be the UK's next prime minister.

Worryingly for the Labour leader, his personal ratings are lower than his predecessor Ed Miliband's were at this stage in the electoral cycle five years ago.

The graph below compares how Corbyn performed in this particular survey compared to Miliband.

These latest figures come after Corbyn and the party were dealt major blows in council and parliamentary elections which took place across the UK earlier this month.

Scottish Labour led by Kezia Dugdale slumped to a disastrous third-place finish north of the border where over the last few decades it had enjoyed a strong voter base. 

Even worse for Labour was that the Conservatives became the SNP's official opposition. This was a staggering result, given that the Tories were all but an afterthought in Scotland since the reign of Thatcher. 

The party also lost council seats across England. This was very damaging because history tells us that opposition parties are supposed to make at least modest gains in those elections.

Ipsos MORI's latest polls didn't just make sorry reading for the opposition leader, though.

Asked whether they were satisfied with David Cameron, just 31% of respondents said that they were, compared to 61% who said that they were dissatisfied. The Prime Minister's rating has dropped by six points since Ipsos MORi's last put the question the public.

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