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The 22 Sexiest Celebrity Mug Shots

Erin Fuchs   

The 22 Sexiest Celebrity Mug Shots
Law Order1 min read

lil kim mugshot

Lil' Kim

This week kicked off with a ton of star gazing during an epic Oscar night on Sunday.

Jennifer Lawrence made headlines when she tripped on her way to pick up her award.

We like to see the human side of celebrities, and we really like it when celebrities get in trouble.

In honor of that great American obsession, we've compiled a list of the sexiest celebrity mug shots in history – courtesy of The Smoking Gun.

Of course porn star Jenna Jameson and entertainer Carmen Electra top the list.

But a young Frank Sinatra and and boxing legend Floyd Mayweather also looked pretty hot after they got arrested.

Abby Rogers contributed to this slide show.


