That's according to a new report by Glassdoor, an online jobs and
To be eligible for the final ranking, each CEO had to have at least 100 approval ratings, senior management ratings, and company ratings between February 2013 and February 2014.
"There are some common traits that these highest-rated CEOs share," says Scott Dobroski, Glassdoor's community expert. "For instance, we see that employees say these CEOs communicate clearly on where the company is headed, how it's going to get there, and how each employee plays a vital role on this path, along with being accessible, personable, and transparent to employees. These CEOs also know how to motivate their employees and rally the troops to get the job done."
Dobroski says there's a strong correlation between highly rated CEOs and high employment satisfaction at their respective companies. "This isn't necessarily a surprise because leadership and company culture comes from the top down, starting with the CEO. When employees approve of the way their CEO is leading the company, it tends to mean that they respect them, appreciate them, and want to work hard for them, which can lead to business success and growth."