"Death Stranding" is an open-world, third-person action game with a heavy emphasis on stealth and puzzle solving. Its main character Sam Bridges is played by Norman Reedus, of "The Walking Dead" fame — and Reedus is doing a lot of exploration in "Death Stranding."
He explores on foot, and he explores on a motorcycle. Sometimes he uses gadgets to traverse a particularly perilous bit of terrain — a cliff face or a mountain ridge or a snow-covered peak. Moreover, he's exploring America.
The game is the latest work from "Metal Gear" series creative lead Hideo Kojima, a legendary figure in the video game business. Reedus, as Sam Porter Bridges, is the main character. Mads Mikkelsen, a Danish actor best known as the bad guy from "Casino Royale," appears to be the antagonist.
Since "Death Stranding" is funded by Sony, the game is only coming to the PlayStation 4.
Read more about "Death Stranding" right here.
Release Date: November 8, 2019
Platform(s): PlayStation 4