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The 10 Most Budget-Friendly Cities In America

Jenna Goudreau   

TulsaWant to rein in your spending and stock away more money this year? Your success may depend on where you hang your hat.

Your cost of living can vary drastically based on where you live. Residing in America's most expensive city, New York, costs more than twice the national average, and you'd have to shell out about $1.3 million to buy a home and spend $22 for a mediocre haircut.

On the other hand, Tulsa, Okla., is the most budget-friendly city in the country, according to a new analysis by rental site Apartment Guide. The Midwestern metro offers a comparatively low cost of living and the lowest average rent in the nation, at $550 a month.

Apartment Guide ranked its list of budget-friendly cities by comparing metros with the lowest average rent, based on its internal listing data, and with the lowest cost of living, according to the 2013 third quarter Cost of Living Index by The Council for Community and Economic Research. Cities in Oklahoma and Ohio are well represented.

Here are the 10 most budget-friendly cities in America:

1. Tulsa, Okla.
Average rent: $550

2. Augusta, Ga.
Average rent: $606

3. Memphis, Tenn.
Average rent: $632

4. Columbus, Ohio
Average rent: $635

5. Birmingham, Ala.
Average rent: $653

6. Dayton, Ohio
Average rent: $583

7. Indianapolis, Ind.
Average rent: $594

8. Louisville, Ky.
Average rent: $606

9. Oklahoma City, Okla.
Average rent: $606

10. Cincinnati, Ohio
Average rent: $624


