The Indiana is the sixteenth commissioned Virginia-class fast attack submarine, and the sixth commissioned Virginia-class Block III submarine.
Virginia-class submarines are developed in blocks, with each block having slightly different specifications than other blocks.
The Indiana is 377 feet long, 34 feet wide, about 7,800 tons when submerged, and has a 140-person crew. It also has a top speed of about 28 mph.
Here's a shot of the bow, and the two large-diameter Virginia Payload Tubes. Each tube can launch six Tomahawk cruise missiles.
Here's mission control, which was purposely blurred as the room is highly classified. The sonar monitors are along the top right, while the fire control monitors are to the left (not shown), and navigation is in back.
next slide will load in 15 secondsSkip AdSkip AdHere's a close-up of the navigation computer.
One of the newest features on Virginia-class submarines are advanced periscopes, which are called photonics mast. They can be pulled up on any monitor in the submarine, and on the Indiana, are operated by XBOX controllers.
And here's the helm, which is also blurred because of the classified nature of mission control.
This is the office of the chief of the boat, the top enlisted on a submarine. The countermeasure launcher is in the background with red tags.
This is the torpedo room. The Indiana is armed with 2,000-pound Mark 48 Advanced Capability torpedoes, which can travel at more than 50 mph on their way to targets. These are some of the most fearsome torpedoes in the world.
Here's a close-up of the launcher.
next slide will load in 15 secondsSkip AdSkip AdSome of the enlisted submariners have their bunks in the torpedo room.
A stateroom like this one, which is occupied by officers, offers more privacy than other berthing areas.
And here's the chow hall, the largest open space in the ship.
Finally, watch the Indiana in motion below.