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Seven Marines Killed In Tragic Training Accident In Nevada

Paul Szoldra   

Seven Marines Killed In Tragic Training Accident In Nevada
Defense2 min read

60 mm mortar marines firing

Wikimedia Commons

File: Marines firing the 60 mm mortar.

Seven U.S. Marines were killed and seven other Marines injured, along with a Navy Corpsman, during a training exercise on Monday night when a mortar round exploded inside a tube, NBC News reports.

The Marines, from 1st Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment in Camp Lejeune, N.C., were conducting live-fire training with 60 mm mortars at Hawthorne Army Depot in the Nevada desert.

60 mm mortars can fire a number of rounds — including those containing smoke, illumination, and high explosive — out to almost 4,000 yards.

The use of 60 mm mortar systems across the Marine Corps was suspended indefinitely, pending the outcome of an investigation, according to an official press release.

From NBC News:

There were conflicting reports about what happened. According to one account, a 60-millimeter mortar shell exploded in a tube as Marines were preparing to fire it. Another account said that the shell exploded as Marines were picking it up to load it.

It's possible that a misfire occurred and the Marines were attempting to clear a round. When a round does not fire, the routine is to back away from the gun to a safe distance. After about a minute, Marines slowly approach the gun and cautiously lift the barrel while another "catches" the round as it comes out of the tube.

From USA Today:

"We send our prayers and condolences to the families of Marines involved in this tragic incident. We remain focused on ensuring that they are supported through this difficult time," said Maj. Gen. Raymond C. Fox, II MEF commanding general. "We mourn their loss, and it is with heavy hearts we remember their courage and sacrifice."

According to Hawthorne Army Depot's official website, the base provides an isolated location and training facilities for Special Operations forces preparing for deployments to Southwest Asia.

The military does not release the names of the deceased until families are notified, although WITN has confirmed with family members the names of the seven killed in the blast. They are:


