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Report: Detectives were paid $10,000 a week to spy on Scientology leader's father

Bryan Logan   

Report: Detectives were paid $10,000 a week to spy on Scientology leader's father
Home1 min read

Scientology 52

Paley Fairman/Business Insider

Allegations of various improprieties have hovered over the Scientology movement of late. The religious institution faced its harshest criticism in the past few weeks with the release of "Going Clear," an HBO documentary that attempts to pull back the curtain on Scientology's controversial practices.

Scientology representatives have been known to employ questionable tactics in defending the movement against critics and defectors.

The Los Angeles Times has taken a closer look at the actions of David Miscavige, the leader of the Church of Scientology. The newspaper reported Wednesday night it obtained documents that suggest Miscavige went to great lengths to keep tabs on his own father.

The Times' investigation finds the church paid "two detectives $10,000 a week through an intermediary, the records indicate, all because Miscavige feared that his father would divulge too much about the organization's activities."

The paper calls Ronald Miscavige Sr. "a longtime Scientologist who had recently parted ways with the church."

According to the LA Times, the elder Miscavige and his wife reportedly told police as recently as September that "they believed they were still being followed."

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