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Powerful Typhoon Neoguri Hit Southwestern Japan - Here's What It Looks Like From Space

Powerful Typhoon Neoguri Hit Southwestern Japan - Here's What It Looks Like From Space
LifeScience1 min read

Tracking north towards mainland Japan, the powerful typhoon Neoguri has led to the death of one man and forced evacuation alerts for 500,000 people on the southwestern island of Okinawa today.

Despite being downgraded for a super typhoon, winds are still reaching up to 155 mph.

"When the wind blows most strongly, it's impossible to stand. You have to hold on to something," Kei Shima, a self-employed Okinawa resident in her 30s, told Reuters. "The lights are fading in and out, like the house is haunted. The rain is getting stronger and falling sideways."

NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman, who is currently stationed on the International Space Station, captured this stunning photo of the eye of the super storm from space and tweeted it last night.

Here's a bigger version:

Screen Shot 2014 07 08 at 6.42.02 AM

NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman

And here's the storm's path:



