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Photos Account For Over 90% Of The Most Engaging Posts On Facebook

Cooper Smith   

Photos Account For Over 90% Of The Most Engaging Posts On Facebook
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Photos Make Up 93% Of The Most Engaging Posts On Facebook (Socialbakers)
Photos have long been the most engaging post type on Facebook, but they seem to be becoming even more effective for brands. Socialbakers looked at a sample of pages from the brands it monitors and discovered that 93% of the most engaging posts on Facebook measured by likes and comments were photos (up from 85% in August 2012, when Socialbakers last conducted the study). Read >

Brands Can Now Post Photo Comments On Facebook (Mashable)
Photo comments — using a photo in your comment on someone else's post — have been available on personal accounts for about one month, but now the feature is also available on brand Pages as well. Read >

Google+ Surpasses Twitter On PCs, But Can It Catch LinkedIn? (BI Intelligence)
LinkedIn is consolidating its position as the second-largest social media platform among U.S. PC users. The latest data, from comScore for June 2013, puts the site's unique monthly visitors at 50.6 million. In the 12 months to June 2013, this audience grew 28%. Read >

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How B2B Decision-Makers Are Using Social Media (MarketingCharts)
Facebook is used rarely for business purposes, while Google+ and Pinterest are lagging in the B2B space, according to results from a newly-released Forrester Research study. 62% of B2B marketers said they visit Twitter at least monthly, but only 6% do so mainly for business. Read >

Facebook's Feature Phone Platform Hits 100 Million Users (Facebook)
Facebook announced that Facebook For Every Phone — a native app delivering a pared-down user experience — is now used by more than 100 million people each month. The app targets feature phones in developing nations, and is a key component to the company's global strategy. Read >

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Brands Capitalize On The Royal Baby's Arrival On Social Media (Business Insider)
Immediately after the announcement that Prince William and Kate had given birth to a son, brands took to social media (mostly Twitter) to tie in their products with the trending topic. Many of the marketing attempts were clever, but few brands really made an attempt to be personal and spontaneous. Even fewer brands congratulated the family and specifically mentioned that the baby turned out to be a boy. Most brands, including Oreo, appeared to have prepared something beforehand. However clever the tweets, the lack of spontaneity may have made it more difficult to emotionally connect with the content. Read >

Twitter Co-Founder Proposes $10 Per Month Ad-Free Facebook (All Facebook)
Biz Stone, who helped launch Twitter, said in a blog post that he thinks Facebook could benefit by launching "Ad-Free Facebook Premium." Such a service could generate $1 billion in monthly revenue for Facebook if it chargers $10 per month and if 10% of its user base signed up, he estimated. Read >


