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Our open letter to Dolce and Gabbana: Crime can only kill, it doesn’t sell

Our open letter to Dolce and Gabbana: Crime can only kill, it doesn’t sell
Just few weeks ago, world was discussing the ‘medieval’ Indian men who thought women often invite rape for whatever reasons. Be it their clothes, or their attitudes or the risks they take in life and the space they try to claim. And while responses flew back and forth, world found something else to engage itself with. The ad created by Dolce and Gabbana, depicting gang rape flew right into its surprised face. It was little surprise that the advertisement was banned soon after. But, the damage had already been done. Protestors are still out on the streets, asking people to stop buying D&G products.

Looks like the global fashion brand D&G got it all wrong with its ad that indicated gang rape. That was not all; earlier Italian designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana said something more controversial than just that ad. It was about children born with the help of technology – such as IVF. “I call children of chemistry – synthetic children. Rented uterus, semen chosen from a catalog…” was the statement they both made through a poster.

First one to raise the voice against this was Sir Elton John. was soon followed by singer Madonna, who was once the face of D&G. She said all children were born with souls and a soul cannot be a fake.

Now, coming back to the advertisement that was almost a fashion avatar of gang rape, it smelt of archaic values. Somehow, this depiction set D&G, and women’s voices by a few decades back in terms of progress and perception. Could this be simply termed insensitive? No, it is more than that.

Because world over, women are being made victims of various crimes and rape being the heinous one at that. And this can never amount to a mistake, least of all be fashioned as an ad campaign. This sure wouldn’t have brought some loyal D&G customers back into the shops, buying any fashion Dolce and Gabbana would create. Apologies can happen or not, but the perception needs to be addressed because it’s the mind that needs to undergo immediate change.

How did they not see this coming? A simple, straightforward documentary that just put facts together and presented it before a nation that would soon be an economic superpower, raked controversy and several discussions across the board. Some were of course healthy, and some weren’t. Because like we already said before, crimes against women, no matter what — can never be justified on any grounds.

D&G should not be surprised at the way people are reacting across the globe, and especially on their home turf for many reasons. If the fashion creators were living in a bubble, assuming everything they create and say, would be considered an expert opinion, it is time to think again.

Because today, people expect a large amount of responsibility on part of those celebrities whom they have been making richer, by way of consumerism. An ad that wouldn’t fit into today’s society, would surely be seen as an attack on the progressive path women have taken so far.

Depicting abuse, and crime through ways of an ad, no matter how creative the final product can be, will always remain wrong. Today, when one looks at a few ads that were out in the public domain, showing women as beings who are fit to be subjugated, silenced and used like doormat, one does wonder what the creators must have been thinking about those days. But, that was that. The past is never accountable.

To hold on to such picture of denigration and degradation is not only bad, but downright criminal too. It is time the powers that be, understood their responsibility and act accordingly than be stupid and regret their broken image later. It makes little difference that this ad was first created in 2007. The least they could have done is, go public with it and distance them from the entire thing than call it a piece of art, or whatever it is termed.

D&G are in hot water now. It is murky, soupy and smelly – all at once. It is only in the interest of every woman they would like to dress up, or assume as a potential customer, that D&G respect and regret their actions with all sincerity.


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