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Obama Told A Joke About Tim Geithner At His Goodbye Party Yesterday

Linette Lopez   

Obama Told A Joke About Tim Geithner At His Goodbye Party Yesterday
Finance1 min read

obama geithner happy tbiPolitico's Ben White opened his daily newsletter, Morning Money, with a scene from Treasury Secretary Geithner's goodbye party last night.

Geithner is leaving Washington after running the Treasury during the most turbulent years for the global economy in recent history, so hopefully it was a blowout.

Anyway, at the party President Obama was pretty light hearted according to White. He even got around to telling a little joke.

From Morning Money:

...President Barack Obama joked how the outgoing Treasury secretary was forever telling him it was the second inning of the economic recovery. Months would go by and the president would ask again. The answer? Still the second inning. Obama joked that he had to explain to Geithner that baseball was a nine-inning game. Obama also described Geithner as an island of calm in a team full of noisy, blustery economic advisers. (No, he never mentioned Larry Summers by name).



