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New video shows the SpaceX rocket landing ending in a giant explosion

New video shows the SpaceX rocket landing ending in a giant explosion
LifeScience2 min read

On Tuesday, April 14, the commercial spaceflight company SpaceX attempted what would have been a game-changing feat when it tried to land a rocket on a robotic platform in the Atlantic Ocean.

The idea is to create reusable rockets that detach from their payloads and fly back to Earth. Spaceflight companies could launch the same rocket over and over and dramatically reduce the cost of launches.

The technology is still in the works, and this landing attempt didn't quite go as planned.

The rocket came in almost perfectly vertical, but as SpaceX CEO Elon Musk put it: 

The only footage we had yesterday was this Vine that SpaceX released:

Now, there's a video that shows what happened after the Vine cut off.

You can see the rocket start to tip over:

spacex rocket tipping over



And then it hits the deck in a fiery explosion:

spacex rocket explosion


There definitely won't be any reusable parts after that landing, which Musk mildly deemed "too hard for survival."

You can watch the full video below:

NOW WATCH: Watch the SpaceX rocket separate from its cargo before crash landing

