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New leaked photos show us exactly what Motorola's next big Android phone will look like

New leaked photos show us exactly what Motorola's next big Android phone will look like
Tech2 min read

Motorola is expected to announce its new Moto X later this month, but we may already know what it looks like thanks to some newly leaked photos. Blog Android Peru posted photos to its Facebook page that reportedly show the front and back of the phone.

In the photo below, you'll notice that this new phone has a textured back panel. It also looks a lot like the Nexus 6 and current generation Moto X.

Here's what the front of the phone will supposedly look like. Android Peru also notes that the new Moto X will come with a flash for the front-facing camera as well.

A separate leak also indicates the new Moto X could come in a white gold color combination too. Here's a photo that popped up on Chinese social network Weibo over the past several days.

Motorola is holding an event next week, where it's expected to unveil the next generation Moto X. Other than a slightly tweaked design and a front-facing camera with flash, the updated model is rumored to come with a 5.2 inch screen with a 2560 x 1440 resolution, a 16-megapixel main camera, and a much bigger battery.

The current Moto X was one of my favorite phones of 2014. It has a large, sharp screen, and a really clean version of Android that's incredibly easy to use. The main drawback of the Moto X is the quality of its camera, but it sounds like we may see some improvements in the new model.

We've reached out to Motorola for comment and we'll update this post accordingly when we hear back.

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