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Michael Sam Pumps Iron And Reflects On His Legacy In This Visa Ad [THE BRIEF]

Aaron Taube   

Michael Sam Pumps Iron And Reflects On His Legacy In This Visa Ad [THE BRIEF]
Advertising1 min read

Good morning, AdLand. Here's what you need to know today:

Visa released its first ad featuring openly gay football player Michael Sam, who was drafted Saturday by the St. Louis Rams. In the ad, made by MRY and production company Decon, Sam is seen doing the bench press while a voiceover plays asking him to be judged by his many on-field accomplishments rather than anything else.

Digiday picks the winners and losers of the failed Publicis/Omnicom merger. Among the winners are rival holding company WPP and the companies' employees, who could be ripe for hiring by other agencies. Losers include Publicis, Omnicom, and their clients.

Meanwhile, Ad Age says Publicis was nudged toward breaking up the merger when Omnicom CEO John Wren discussed the merger on an earnings call without first informing Publicis CEO Maurice Levy.

Analysts are predicting that more mergers will follow the Publicis/Omnicom merger, but fellow advertising services holding company Interpublic Group told employees in an internal memo that "there is no compelling reason for IPG to merge with another firm."

Facebook is courting Google's direct-response customers by showing how its platform can deliver sales.

Instagram says Taco Bell received a 29% increase in brand recall after it ran an ad campaign on the photo-sharing network to promote its new breakfast menu.

Mashable's Todd Wasserman discusses the ways Apple could integrate the Beats brand into its portfolio, looking how at Amazon has used Zappos and Microsoft has used Skype.

Berklee College of Music's Music Business Journal looks at the way advertising revenues have become an increasingly important part of the music business.

Previously on Business Insider Advertising:


